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Ultimate attainment in paralinguistic intonational meaning in a second language: The cases study of advanced and very advanced late Dutch learners of British English. In S. Haberzettel (ed.) The end state in SLA. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Second language acquisition of intonation: the case of Dutch near-native speakers of Greek. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
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Bi-directional interference in the intonation of Dutch speakers of Greek. Journal of Phonetics 32, 543–563
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Phonetic and phonological influences in non-native intonation: an overview for language teachers. QMUC Speech Science Research Centre Working Papers, WP-9.
Mennen, I. (to appear).
Phonological and phonetic influences in non-native intonation. In J. Trouvain, & U. Gut (Eds.) Non-native Prosody: Phonetic Descriptions and Teaching Practice (Nicht-muttersprachliche Prosodie: phonetische Beschreibungen und didaktische Praxis). Mouton De Gruyter.